The General Overseer of Christ Mercyland Deliverance Ministry, and founder, Mercy Television, Warri, Delta State, Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin makes history in one of the English; Anglophone; French; Francophone and now Spanish speaking West Coast of Central African country; Equatorial Guinea, Malabo as over hundred thousands worshippers surrenders to God Almighty and receive, healing, salvation.
The Tireless General breaks records as over 100,000 worshippers came out for the Prophetic Invasion at National Park, Malabo. The great people of the Spanish Insular Guinea, Malabo marvelled at the tsunami of people that stormed the National park, the crusade venue to experience the demonstrations of God’s power.

According to Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin: “Go brought me to this country to bless everyone, grace for overflow breakthrough in all spheres of life but you must be connected by faith as faith is the only currency to receive all you so wished for.”
Owomowomo 1 along his evangelical team brought his Jesus with him for the 3-day crusade theme: ‘Lazarus is not dead’ over the weekend records unbelievable testimonies and miracles as of old. Just as great multitudes of people follow Jesus in His days on earth, that same anointing was manifest as hundreds of thousands gathered to witness the supernatural move of God’s power, years of difficulty in walking received healing, the deaf heal, the blind received sight, demons cry out, the dejected received God’s love, the broken restoration, salvation and more happened.

Indeed for every generation, God raises a prophet unto his people, the people of the West Coast of Central Africa, Malabo, said they have not witnessed these massive crowd to fill the arena to the brim for a long time but admits God’s finger was felt and they were blessed by God Almighty through prophecy by His son.
Stay connected with the man of God on social media and the following platforms: Twitter @christmercyland, Instagram Verified page @prophetjeremiahomoto, YouTube @christmercyland, Facebook Verified page @prophet Jeremiah Ministries or visit the church

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