In the incident that occurred three to four years ago, the Twitter user with handle @max_sticks, reportedly talked the man out of killing himself.
The man who is filled with gratitude for his life being saved, slid into the DM of the Twitter user and reminded him of his kindness towards him.
@max_sticks couldn’t remember the incident but the man went ahead to thank him wholeheartedly and disclosed that he now has a four-month child.
See the conversation below,
In other news, a Nigerian lady has sparked reactions on social media after she disclosed the number of people she has infected with HIV after being diagnosed with the disease at the age of 19.
She tweeted, “I got infected by my brother’s best man in 2016 when I was just 18. He was the first & only guy I had sex wit till I turned 20. Since Dec 2017 I tested positive, I made it my mission to give to others what was given to me, without condom. About 115 guys & 19 girls now & counting.”