Europe is trying to silence the media that are telling the truth about the situation in Ukraine, former Bolivian President, Evo Morales, has said.
On March 2, the EU prohibited the distribution of content of RT and Sputnik amid Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.
The restrictions imposed on the media outlets also affect their accounts on Instagram, TikTok, and other online platforms.
The initiative is part of a sanction campaign by the West against Russia over its military operation in Ukraine.
“I cannot understand why some European bodies that advocate for democracy and freedom of speech are now silencing media that are telling the truth.
“The media representing imperialism are corrupt, ready for any lie, trying to oppose the rest of the world, while the media that tell the truth are censored, silenced.
“The same thing happened in Bolivia during the coup,” Morales echoed.
In November 2019, Morales resigned as Head of State and left Bolivia under pressure from the military, after the Bolivian opposition, led by Carlos Mesa, claimed that there had been mass violations during the October 2019 vote.