The Nollywood Actress took to her page on Microblogging platform, Twitter to say a special prayer for the thief that the person will never make even up to 10% of the money in ther lifetime.
Her post on Twitter reads;
To the person that stole my money, you will never make that amount of money you won’t even make 10% of it in your life till you confess and turn yourself in to the police
She further shared the painful experience of how her bag was emptied ;
I wanted to buy a particular bag, I heard the new naira price of a dollar I said no I’ll save my cash and I left harrods to enter Zara after queuing to pay, it gets to my turn and my bag is empty🤦🏽♀️😞
Well, things like this serve as interesting stories for future fun times
and this story is probably entertainment for some right now so at least there’s a bright side to it..
They called the police cos another woman complained about the same thing and her whole bag was stolen, we’re waiting for the outcome