Taking to the popular micro-blogging platform, Twitter, the lady identified as @slyfoxine revealed the lewd comment the desk officer in her Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) made about her body.
According to her, the desk officer told her at work that he liked her breasts.
Recounting her experience, she wrote,
“My desk officer looked me dead in the eyes today and said he likes my breast. In my khaki. Katsina men are soo perverted. Like I’ve not even met one that hasn’t acted differently from this.
“Is it the one that will park and wait for me to come and meet them? Or the one that will do u turn on the express and start reversing to meet me. That last one Ehn, I thought I was about to be kidnapped. Hmm When I leave this place and I meet any katsina person, they will see what their mouth can’t explain”
“Or the one I gave water because I thought this man was going to pass out and he wanted to hug me. I don’t even know how this one’s head is working.”
See her post below,