Mohbad took to his social media pages on Wednesday, October 5, to share a video showing him bruised and injured while revealing that he suffered the bruises after he was injured by his record label (Marlian Music) people.
Naira Marley replied to his claim that he was intoxicated and not in his proper sense and promised that the issue would be settled amicably within the label.
This back and forth between both artists did not sit well with Bella Shmurda who took to his Twitter account to blast Naira.
“Nigga lost all the respect Looking so unsettled Label boss capping like capri-sun Is it possible for him to be high each time his bullied and tries to speak up.huh? Soro soke werey parlour dog
A label is suppose to be your family not your enemy… The world is watching,that boy was doing very fine without u damn!!!” he wrote on his page.