Recall that Nedu on Sunday, January 8, showed off his new woman months after a public spat with his ex-wife over alleged domestic violence and paternity fraud.
Nedu had taken to his Instagram page to shared loved-up photos of himself and his new lover, describing her as the Queen of the Castle. Read here.
Few hours later, Nedu’s ex-wife, who called him out over alleged domestic abuse in 2021, shared a cryptic post about emotional abusers. Read here
Well, Hazel has claimed that she has been getting death threats from trolls because of the post she shared following news that her ex-husband has moved on with another woman.
She posted a screenshot of a DM she received from a troll who castigated her for having the effrontery to speak despite deceiving Nedu for years, and making him believe he’s the father of their first child.
She also shared a screenshot of a comment from an Instagram user who made a similar remark about the paternity fraud she committed whilst still married to the media personality.
According to her, those are just few of the numerous vile messages, including death threats, she has received.
See below,