Are you a good, generous, kind, and compassionate person who always looks out for the good of others? Do you consider yourself one who can swim an ocean for your friends and family who may not be ready to jump a puddle for you? Have you ever had to deal with people who still hate your guts, dislike your person, and harbour acrimony against you in spite of your good and large heart? If you fall into any or all of these classes and cohorts of human beings; today’s treatise will be a blessing to your soul and spirit as I let you in on a few facts of life.
No matter how good, generous, kind, and compassionate you are toward people; you will always stumble across men who don’t like you. And you may have to do business with men who despise you with boiling passion. There’s no way any one of us can avoid baseless hatred in this wicked world. And be assured it may not necessarily be about you; it may be wholly about them. Some people are innate connoisseurs of hate, immanent commanders-in-chief of animus, and hardwired and inbred captains of antipathy. They can’t help themselves. They are just wired to be weird, and never in the business of liking people. They are far from surrendering to help from man or the Maker who made men. My friends, if you want to lead a happy and successful life; you must learn the art of how to turn your avowed enemies into avid friends.
My 24-year-old son was trying to start off a business that I adjudged a potential profitable move. He bunched up in collaboration with some of his friends who also had good ideas about the direction the business ought to go. They ran the idea by me and I was excited for the young men. But there was something I saw that they did not see. It was the proclivity for conflict based on personalities and mindsets. Just as I often tutor people in my orbit to go for gold and settle not for silver or bronze in any endeavour; I trained my boys to strive for higher heights. But his friends wanted to lowball their expectations and drives. Personalities clashed. Recently, my son came complaining about the attitudes of his friends in their business meetings. Lo and behold, the relationship fell apart. My son was angry. He had invested time and money in the deal. They all had. My son vowed never to have anything to do with his good friends any longer. But I told him that was unnecessary. “You can turn your enemies into friends. They may come handy later,” I admonished my disappointed son. I gave him a few tips. He embraced them and won two of his friends back but one. They swung back in business. And it yielded some profits quickly. Last week; part of the proceeds of the business he used to treat himself to a new car he has always wanted. The remainder he put back into the business. And calculated collaboration with those he thought were not his true friends gave birth to the good news. We can turn our avowed enemies to avid friends.
In my days of ignorance, if I had inkling that someone had a shred of hatred for me; I would throw the same back at them. It was almost impossible for me not to. But later I mastered the arts and science of turning my enemies to friends. The following three ways helped me.
First, the truth about life is that as long as you deal with human beings, you will have your own share of the fraction of frictions. People will do you wrong. When they do, don’t let the resultant anger and bitterness last one day in your heart. In certain circumstances, this may look like a road you have no interest in travelling. But over time, you can train yourself as I did adopting this path. It’s now second nature. It is true that people can hurt people really badly and it’s tough to get over. Malice is a self-administered putrid poison, so I abstain from it. People have already hurt you with their misbehaviours. Why hurt yourself more by holding a grudge? Anytime your paths cross your haters,’ don’t give them a clue that you know they hate you. Give this a try and see if your avowed enemies will not become avid friends.
Second, when your enemies need help, step up and help. It takes nothing from you. It adds to you. It’s good to shock your haters. Catching your enemies off-guard with an expression of love is always a potent winning weapon. Give this a try; and see if your haters will not fall in love with you. And lastly, enemies are everywhere. They are in church and on your job. They are in families and among friends. They are next door to you, and they may hold the key to your next level. If you have to work with them, and you also know your personalities may clash, tread wisely. As you work with them; you are working on them through the love you show as you work together. But, don’t let your guard down too quickly. Many leopards don’t change their skins. Walk in wisdom. Try this and see if your enemies will not be all over you like bees over honey.
I am not a politician, but I am a good student and teacher of the art of politics. Politics has its many fetid attributes. But there is a virtue of the art I like. I have seen politicians at daggers drawn who later became Siamese twins. Not even the boisterous wind can split them. People who once worked against each other turned out working together to achieve a common goal. As transient and ephemeral lovey-dovey political relationships can be, the idea that politicians can turn their enemies to friends to achieve a goal in life is worthy of note. You are not a politician, so make your friendship real. Make it last. Make it mutually beneficial.
Can you turn all enemies to friends? Refer to what I posited in the outset of this treatise. There are people I call innate connoisseurs of hate, immanent commanders-in-chief of animus, and hardwired and inbred captains of antipathy. Hate runs in their veins. They see no good in anybody. They can’t help themselves. So, I say; HECK NO; you cannot turn all enemies to friends! But you can win some. Win the ones you can. They may hold the key to making you a winner later in life. An avowed enemy can become an avid friend. If there is one thing you take away from this admonition, it is this doyen declaration: life is better lived with more friends on your side than enemies!