DAILY POST recalls that Hermes disclosed in the Big Brother House that he is seeing two women.
Featuring on the latest episode of BTS Reality podcast, Hermes maintained that he is still dating two women.
He said the ladies are friends.
The reality star said, “I am still in two relationships. Both of them are friends.
“For me, I can only operate on the truth. That truth is that, I be ashawo and I will do ashawo things. I can like more than one woman. And I will tell you that I’m with this person, if you are not fine with it, find what you like.”
He said his partners are also seeing other men.
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“I am still in two relationships. Both of them are friends”
– Hermes Iyele
BTS Reality pic.twitter.com/7I3Y0Re359— @ (@OneJoblessBoy) June 1, 2023