‘Before’ is a multipurpose word that has heritage in at least three parts of speech. As an adverb, it can tell the time of an action. It can also function as a conjunction, connecting elements in a clause. Yet, ‘before’ can be used as a preposition. The three scenarios are exemplified below:
I have been there before. (An adverb)
They discussed the matter with the chairman before they left. (Conjunction)
They hope to travel before summer. (Preposition)
But as resourceful as the word is, there is a context it is at times inappropriately used. That is when you want to preempt and prevent something (unpleasant) from happening. The word grammatically ordained for the job is ‘lest’, not ‘before’. Here, ‘lest I forget’ can be used to stress the importance of something or emphasise a warning or reminder. It can mean for fear that or in order to prevent the possibility that something might happen:
Tade is unwilling to travel; lest his staff get demoralised.
He never said he needed more than N100,000; lest the woman accused him of greed.”
Lest I mistakenly divulge the source of the news, I read the story thrice before I submitted it to the editor.
Lest you commit another blunder, don’t speak too fast when it is your turn.
The policeman did not say anything lest the people accuse him of being bias.
In the three examples, ‘before’ is not appropriate because the idea being conveyed is not actually that of time. It is not about saying let me do something before I do the other, but let me do it to avoid the other. Compare this to what is indicated above:
Let me wash the car before my father arrives.
The rain had stopped before we stepped out.
John hid behind the door before his father arrived.
Before I read my speech, let me first give honour to whom is due.
In all the sentences, ‘before’ gives the idea of time, telling us what happens before the other, or what is likely to happen. Now, compare the use of ‘lest’ and that of ‘before’ here:
Lest I forget, you have to take this book to Edward tomorrow.
Before I forget, you have to take this book to Edward tomorrow. (?)
Lest I forget, I must acknowledge the presence of the commissioner.
Before I forget, I must acknowledge the presence of the commissioner. (?)
In both, ‘lest’ is the appropriate word because the speaker is trying to avoid a particular situation. On the other hand, ‘before’ would suggest having to do one thing before the other, whereas the speaker’s intention in the ‘lest I forget context’ is to prevent the unwanted act. So, ‘lest I forget’ is preferable to ‘before I forget’ in the circumstances.
Less I forget?
Meanwhile, note that the ‘word’ is not ‘less’, which means another thing entirely. You should therefore not import it into the ‘lest I forget’ space. Also, pronunciation-wise, lest is lest, with T prominently articulated because it is not a silent consonant:
She sat up late worrying less he be murdered on the way home. (Wrong)
She sat up late worrying lest he be murdered on the way home. (Correct)
Lest we forget
Note that this is normally a metaphorical statement that has a historical base. It is used to serve as the need for collective remembering, the need to remember history or a (tough) historical event that should prevent recurrence. Here is a Wikipedia profile of the term:
“Lest we forget” is a phrase commonly used in war remembrance services and commemorative occasions in English-speaking countries, usually those connected to the British Empire. Before the term was used in reference to soldiers and war, it was first used in an 1897 Christian poem written by Rudyard Kipling called “Recessional”, a poem written to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. The phrase occurs eight times; and is repeated at the end of the first four stanzas in order to add particular emphasis regarding the dangers of failing to remember.
‘God of our fathers, known of old,
Lord of our far-flung battle line,
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine—
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!’