‘The Real Housewives of Lagos’ is a Nigerian television series featuring Iyabo Ojo, Toyin Lawani, Chioma Ikokwu, Laura Ikeji, Mariam Timmer, Tania Omotayo, and Faith Morey as the cast. The show revolves around their friendship, lifestyles, and personalities.
According to the actress, some parts of the show were real-life situations, while the housewives were instructed to give certain remarks and actions in particular scenes.
The 45-year-old housewife, in her Instagram post, insisted that it is not a scripted show but was edited in a way to add drama. In essence, they had to act in a certain manner to make the show entertaining and dramatic for the audience to enjoy.
Iyabo Ojo further explained in her post that the show organizers complained about her low rating in season 1. Hence, she had to be the villain in season 2, which is making people tag her as a bully, while everything was done for entertainment.
Though the actress has cleared that air that she is not a bully, netizens are not taking it lightly and are still judging her by the role she played in the reality TV show.