The mother of two penned a letter to herself in her 45th chapter, sharing the successes she had achieved, the opponents she had faced, the unexpected friends she had gained, and the lessons she had learned.
She expressed gratitude to everyone who supported her and encouraged her to get past the terrible criticism she received all year.
Despite her imperfections, Iyabo Ojo claimed to have gained a lot of knowledge. These lessons include remaining true to her beliefs no matter what, staying focused in the face of difficulty, and, most importantly, never giving up when things become difficult.
She wrote:
“Today ends 45, and I’m looking back to all i have achieved, no losses. i will say, indeed, I’m blessed. Thank you, Lord I’m not perfect, but in my imperfection, i have learnt never to give up on my beliefs and to always stand and fight for what i believe in no matter the amount of backlash that may come, i have also learnt to stay focus during my storm, not allowing the noisy and distractions pull me down.
“Most importantly, i have learnt that in your lowest never fall of guide, be prepared, expect the unexpected bcos your frenemies and hidden enemies will always use that moment to come for you, guide your emotions and be ready.
“It’s ok to be different It’s ok to make mistakes It’s ok to be misunderstood It’s ok to say sorry It’s ok not to know it all
It’s ok to also stand your grounds It’s ok to be bold It’s ok to lend your voice
It only means you’re human and unique, Iyabo
“I will never change anything about me or my activism. God created me this way, and i love all of me and all of me. To everyone who has been supportive and a blessing to me, i say thank you, to my haters, I’m going to keep being a voice, so guide your heart against heart attack, To all the brands i influence for, thank you for believing in me. Bye 45…… 46 loading”