The Police Recruitment Board has clarified that its decision on immediate medical screening for specialist applicants who scaled through the ongoing practical tests in the Police Zonal Command Headquarters is sacrosanct and should be observed in all the centres currently hosting the practical tests across the country.
The Board warns that any qualified applicant who fails to turn up for the medical examination would have shot him/herself out from the field for final selection.
Those who were erroneously asked to leave the centres after the practical exams and who qualified for the next and final level of the exercise which is the medical screening are advised to return immediately to their centres to be medically examined.
The Board regrets the confusion that attended the beginning of the medical screening and wish to apologise to the applicants who were caught in the confusion and who were asked to go home after the practical tests and wait for another date for the screening.

The Board notes that immediately after the medical screening, the list of successful candidates would be released and the new Recruits sent to the Police Colleges for training.
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