This follows the award of contract for the construction of the road to Geld Construction Company by Governor Darius Ishaku early this year.
The company, which has completed 21 of the 35 kilometres of the road, is expected to deliver the contract in December.
Speaking at the official flag-off of the construction of the road on Saturday evening, Governor Ishaku said the construction of a 35km Pamanga-Dakka road was part of his administration’s desire to open up rural areas, boost agricultural production and enhance revenue generation for the development of the state.
The Governor noted that his administration was poised to deliver the state from socio-economic backwardness so as to compete favourably among high revenue-producing states in the country.
“This project will not only improve the living standard of the people in this area when completed, it will also boost the entire state economy, especially in the local agricultural production.
“My administration’s desire to ensure infrastructure revolution, especially in road constructions to boost local production and add value to our farm produce, is one reason this project is being flagged off today.
“We believe that the project will help in transforming the state due to the huge economic value attached to it.
“The Late. Chief, MKO Abiola wanted to construct this road in 1957, since it led to his farm in Dakka, but the government then didn’t put any effort to actualise his dream.
“Aside the economic growth that this road would create for Taraba State, it will also relieve the plight of the people in this area who have gone through pains on this road since 1942,” he said.
The Project chief engineer, Mr. Fabi Azzam, expressed confidence that the project would be deliver at the stipulated time.
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