Judy, who had previously taken to social media to announce a new movie project she is working on, “The God Father,” and listed her husband Yul Edochie and his dad Pete Edochie among the cast members, shared some behind-the-scenes moments on Thursday night.
The post included lovely photos of herself with her husband, father-in-law, and other colleagues on the set of the movie.
Sharing the photos, she captioned it, “Day 4 on the production of THE GODFATHER!! It’s getting super hot in here guys! Shooting a creatively crafted story with the LEGENDS in the game! Wait for it!!”
Reacting to the post, Yul Edochie showered praise on his wife.
“You’re not just the most creative mind, you’re very passionate about the job and a very detailed producer. ljele Odogwu!” He wrote.
See his post below,
See the photos below.
In other news, controversial Nollywood actor, Uche Maduagwu, has criticized his colleagues, Nancy Isime and Peter Okoye for their roles in the trending Netflix series, Shantytown.
Taking to his Instagram account he shared a video querying the need for Nancy Isime’s nudity and why Peter Okoye, a singer was given a movie role. Read here.