According to @drpenking who took to Twitter to share his opinion, no man will approach a woman with dyed hair with serious intentions because there’s a stereotype attached to coloured hair.
Speaking about women who dye their hair green, gold and other bold colours, the doctor said men don’t want to marry such women.
He tweeted,
“No man approaches a lady with coloured hair (gold, green, etc) with serious intentions. There is a stereotype attached to it already. They know what they want. No man sees a future with such a lady.”
No man approaches a lady with coloured hair (gold, green, etc) with serious intentions. There is a stereotype attached to it already. They know what they want. No man sees a future with such a lady.
— Doctör Penking™ (@drpenking) November 16, 2022
The tweet has however elicited different reactions online as many disagreed with his stance.
See how some people reacted below,
IG user, @chidoxflash wrote, “I disagree.. Yes dress like you want to be addressed so says an English adage . But you see times have changed, one man’s food is another man’s poison. What if I tell you this days some guys take their wives & girl friends to the salon to tilt their hair. For some people it is bad for other it is beautiful. In fact I have seen ladies with beautiful colored hairs. There is really nothing to it”
@come2jane wrote, “I wanna know how I got married cos I wear all colors. Someone’s hair color is just color not them. They are not their hair. D way u love and prefer black dat is how I prefer other colors sometimes. Dat u are rigid in ur thinking does not mean people should not explore. Life is not centered around ur one way of thinking. Thank God he is not a man o, the rules and regulation would be out of this world. Ur sense of judgment will cloud your tru sense when u are looking at the wrong things to qualify people’s reality.”
@_nomistake wrote, “I’m not part of those men because nothing concern me with the color of your hair,what matter to me most is your beauty and your attitude,if your like carry red hair for head ”