Deborah Enenche, daughter of Pastor Paul Enenche, the renowned founder of Dunamis International Gospel Centre has celebrated him specially on his brithday.
Deborah took to Instagram to shower her father with praise, tagging him the coolest and kindest dad ever.
She wrote:
“Happy birthday to the best dad in the whole world
Not just because you’re the kindest, coolest, funniest, most youthful, most stylish, most interesting, and most illuminating dads one can get but because you embody God’s love so much.
If who you are is merely a facade, those of us closest to you would truly know. The reality is, you carry the essence of who Jesus really is and it shows behind the scenes when there are no spectators/observers/criticisers.
That is what truly being a man of God is.
What being a true Christian is.
Love personified (1 John 4:7-10)
You radiate with the love of God sir. In a world so cold and unfeeling, it’s a blessing to be surrendered by the warmth that you are. You’re such a blessing to my life and my walk with God. It is not hard for me to have a sweet relationship with my Abba because He has blessed me with the human template of Himself in you dear dad.
Thank you for loving us through the psychosis of a nation, the hypocrisy of a generation, the miasma of insenserity that many hide behind in lieu of true character and depth. But for such love, disillusionment would have set in.
You give me hope for what humanity can be like when truly surrendered to Divinity.
I am excited for the many more decades to come for you sir and pray that you’re rewarded with a linage (both physical and spiritual) that can emulate Christ like you do. May we be true embodiments of God’s love and drop the fakeness. Just like God continues to help you to do. Thank you for being such a beautiful tableau of God’s agape . I love you Dagun
PS:- Sir, You’re literally the only person that can get me to temporarily come back on this accursed space . That’s how much you mean sir. I love and celebrate you so dearly.
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